When I started my first year at university I had my drawing arm in a cast. I had had a summer of endless ucas forms and university interviews and I had been accepted into my first choice Art Universities! I chose The Arts University Bournemouth (formerly called The Arts Institute) and I could not wait to start my life there. Despite all the preparing for university life which mainly included buying various cooking utensils and practising my drawing skills I also went to lots of parties.
Infact partying hard was my top priority! I was 18 and about to start the biggest adventure I thought I would ever have. I had friends who I was leaving behind and dreams I was chasing and several house parties to attend!
I went to a party, drunk more than I should have and while messing around with friends I broke my wrist. My right wrist. My drawing arm.
I had 2 painful operations to manipulate the wrist back into position, they didn't work. I then had an operation that pinned the bones in place with K wires I was in a lot of pain and felt helpless but I was quite satisfied that once the wires and cast were removed I could carry on as I was before. l was all set to have the the k wires removed at the hospital near my new university.